Understand that the Elevator Pitch is Dead. You remember the elevator pitch. The notion that you should be able to describe what your company does in the length of time consumed by the average elevator ride. I’m here to tell you, that’s way too long these days. Elevator rides seem interminable.
Instead, I humbly suggest that you develop a 120-character pitch for your business. Today. Not the 140-character limit imposed by Twitter, but an even tighter 120 characters to allow for re-tweets, and the inevitable next round of brevity.
I realize that 120 characters sounds like the linguistic equivalent of Gary Coleman, but it’s not as short as it seems.
(in fact, the previous sentence is exactly 119 characters)
Go ahead, try it. Leave your elevator pitch in the comments. Maybe you’ll meet a new friend or customer.
Here’s mine: Social media strategic counsel for mid-sized companies & PR firms. Plus, invigorating social media speeches & training. (119)
and you?