Knock a glass of champagne over him. Congrats to the PR who did that a few moments ago – barely 8pm and already people falling over – marvelous!
And ex-colleague Nicky Alvey asked me to mention the porn tree – apparently it will mean something to people who worked at Brodeur in the late 90s.
Anyway – we are all waiting breathlessly for the awards to begin.
Drink count: +2 glasses of wine.
4 replies on “How to get coverage on BBC Click with Chris Long”
sh*t it wasn’t me was it…?
I’m still no wiser about the porn tree – can someone elucidate?
The porn tree – ah those were the days. No – no further details available for public consumption.
Sorry about the late arrival to this one – it was, I think, a simple miscommunication, I said ‘I will run the story if you give me champagne’ and then when they threw it it missed my mouth – which, given I am a journalist, is as a spectacular miss as you are likely to get…
Although, Andrew: for goodness sake, blogging when you could be drinking, get a grip man!