I’ve began my career as a journalist in 1985. In 1988, I decided to give PR a try – 24 years later, I’m still here. I’ve worked agency side for all of that time – either working for PR firms or running my own businesses. I’ve helped create and manage PR campaigns for many organisations over the years – IBM, Novell and Borland to name but a few. It was through my early exposure to technology and Silicon Valley that helped me start trying out some new techniques before most. Such as e-mailing press releases (1990), building a website (1995), blogging (2002), and joining social networks such as LinkedIn (2003) and Twitter (2007).
It also made me realise that new digital techniques such as search engine optimisation (SEO) and Pay Per Click advertising (PPC) were going to play a major role in the future. Hence my slight career pivot to add these skills into my tool kit.