Says a new survey from Webitpr.
But more important than what? Print media?
As we’ve said before, some semblance of balance needs to be maintained on the online vs offline press coverage debate.
Says a new survey from Webitpr. But more important than what? Print media? As we’ve said before, some semblance of balance needs to be maintained on the online vs offline press coverage debate.
2 replies on “90pc of PRs say online coverage has become more important in the last 12 months”
Hi Andrew
Thanks for the link. At the risk of stating the obvious the answer to your question “more important than what?” is more important than “it was 12 months earlier” to the PR’s in question. We carried out the survey to try and get a very broad view of PR’s perceptions of the importance of the online media – both 1.0 and 2.0 – and their ability to interact with it comprehensively and effectively.
We aren’t trying to say that online is more important than print or any other form of media per se. In fact to make such a sweeping statement would as you rightly point out be “unbalanced”. The reality is clearly a lot more complex with the relative importance of all media coverage depending on a great number of factors, not least the individual organisations, their objectives and the characteristics of their markets. Despite being an online news distribution company we are not blinkered and see the value in all forms of media – we are a reseller of the Press Association’s PA Media Point service for example – this is just our field of expertise.
We intend to carry out more research in the future and perhaps the question you raise of relative importance is one that we should consider.
Thanks again.
Thanks for commenting – and yes, the question of relative importance is one that would be good ask.